Kells Infant School

Headteacher's Welcome Message

Hello, I am Wendy Figes. I am the headteacher at Kells Infants School. Kells Infants School is a wonderfully enriching environment for children. we aim to give them the best possible start to learning, in a fun, nurturing environment.

The staff team are fantastic, they are approachable, professional and kind. They will do everything they can to help you and your child to feel welcome in school.

There will be lots of opportunities for you to get involved in school life and to find out how you can help your child learn. 

We will communicate with you using the Class Dojo App and you will enjoy a weekly video showing the learning which your child has enjoyed this week. We also send out weekly Newsletters so you can keep up to date with news and events. 

It is my role in school to ensure that our children are protected from harm and neglect. I can also help families who are struggling with other stresses linked to housing, finances, criminality, drug and alcohol abuse and mental and physical wellbeing. Please feel you can come and speak with me if your family needs support.

I also work closely with the families of children with Special Educational Needs, if you are concerned about your child's development and behaviour, please make an appointment to speak with me and we can work together.

I really hope your child will love their time with us at Kells Infants School. Please email me directly on or using the Class Dojo App if you want to speak to me about any concerns or queries you have about the school.

If you have any queries about school admissions please email our school administration team- Queries about Nursery places should be addressed to Miss Natalie Easdon-



Wendy Figes ( Mrs)



High Road, Kells, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 9PQ

01946 691865