Kells Infant School

Remote Education at Kells Infants school

Our procedures for remote learning have been developed from our experiences of the coronavirus pandemic and also developments in technology. The content is constantly evolving alongside our curriculum and DFE guidance.

When do we offer remote education?

Pupils will be offered remote education in the following instances:

  • When they are unable to attend school but they are not unwell;
  • When school is closed to pupils but staff are available to provide learning;
  • To support re-integration following a lengthy absence;
  • Where a child has been suspended or excluded ( for the first 5 days);

Remote education should be short-term, rather than a long-term offer for pupils. It should not be viewed as an alternative to school attendance.

We do not provide remote education to nursery aged pupils although we may provide advice on activities which can be done with children at home.

What is the school offer?

Remote education should be short-term and be-spoke according to the age and ability of the child. At a minimum, our school will provide 3 hours per day of education which can be done outside of school.

This will include phonics activities, maths and number activities and work from other parts of the curriculum. Where suitable, physical activity will also be recommended.

Remote education is likely to reflect the learning the child would have missed in school. This will allow pupils to able to re-integrate back into their classes more easily on their return.

How will learning be managed?

If absence is planned, staff will discuss remote education with families beforehand using Class Dojo or the telephone.

In the event of an unplanned absence, staff will require 24 hours to organise remote education. In the meantime, parents will be provided with online options for on-going learning. These may include links to the Ruth Miskin portal, online learning games, video-based learning or the use of Oak Academy resources.

Staff in school will be aware of the burden on families where high levels of adult involvement are required for remote education and will limit this where possible.

How will learning be delivered?

Staff will choose from a number of options when delivering remote education and discuss these with families to ensure success for the student.

These will include:

  • Setting up online lessons using Microsoft Teams or similar video calling,
  • Reading tasks,
  • Use of Ruth Miskin videos for phonics lessons,
  • Maths worksheets, games and online videos,
  • Work set for children to complete on Purple Mash,


Access to Technology

Where students do not have access to a tablet, laptop or similar device, we will look to provide one on short-term loan or to plan work which does not require the use of technology.

Free School Meals

Pupils taking part in remote education may be entitled to a free school meal. If they require a meal they will need to inform the school in advance and a packed lunch will be made for collection.


High Road, Kells, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 9PQ

01946 691865